Friday, September 19, 2008

International Talk Like A Pirate Day A&G BlastARRRRRRRRRR!

Avast! ARRRRRR! Today be the day where all landlubbers get their sea legs, drink some grog and talk like pirates! It also be the day where Me pull out my Corsair keyboard!

Me was doin' some plunderin' today at the shanty and pillaged away from those scurvy dogs a blastARRRRRR of Allen and GintARRRRRRR! All me hearties await to see what pirate themed treasure was found!

First me found some cARRRRRRRds featurin' Team ARRRRRRRRange

Then me found a gem in this Pirate, Ian Snell, and it be black boardARRRRRRRRed

Me also ended up plunderin' a relic of that scalleywag David Wright
ARRRRRR!!!! Me wish me could make him walk the plank! But this pirate found even greater treasure in findin' the greatest Pirate of them all

ARRR!!! All out of the same blastARRRRRRRRR! That's some fine booty there mateys. Fine booty indeed!


dayf said...


Dan said...

Did this blaster come from Beckett or direct from Topps? Too good to be true.

Great pickup, though.